El Venado Azul de Mextonia

[:es]¿Hemos considerado que dar un fragmento de nosotros mismos puede iluminar verdaderamente el mundo y la realidad de los demás? Tenemos, por lo tanto, creamos Mextonia.

No solo como un festival, sino como una obra de arte colectiva, compuesta por 52 murales dentro de las paredes de Tallin, Narva, Viljandi y Tartu. Un recordatorio de que nos hace sentir orgullosos de ser mexicanos, o estonios, y aún mejor, de lo que nos une más allá de nuestras nacionalidades: nuestra libertad cultural. Nuestra responsabilidad de hacer de este lugar, o mundo, un lugar mejor que cómo lo encontramos.

En México, buscar en los lugares más duros pero con sabiduría, un corazón y un alma abiertos, puede llevarte directamente al Ciervo Azul. En Estonia, este mismo camino conduce a la flor del helecho. Al igual que la runa Elk de las culturas nórdicas, “Blue Deer” representa la prosperidad, la protección y la fertilidad, abarcando a todos los seres sensibles, hermanos de la Madre Tierra y el Padre Sol. Ambos generosos animales con cuernos se sacrifican, dando su propia carne para alimentarnos a todos.

Inmerso en el mundo contemporáneo de hoy, en nuestra carrera interminable por la riqueza, el consumo y la competitividad, Mextonia fue un regalo para recordarle al mundo sobre el Espíritu un alma colectiva en forma de Venado Azul, que finalmente encontró una Flor de Helecho.[:en]Have we considered that giving a fragment of ourselves can truly illuminate the world and the reality of others? We have, therefore, created Mextonia.

Not only as a festival, but as a collective work of art, consisting of 52 murals inside the walls of Tallinn, Narva, Viljandi and Tartu. A reminder that it makes us proud to be Mexicans, or Estonians, and even better, what unites us beyond our nationalities: our cultural freedom. Our responsibility to make this place, or world, a better place than how we find it.

In Mexico, searching in the toughest places but with wisdom, an open heart and soul can lead you directly to the Blue Deer. In Estonia, this same path leads to the fern flower. Like the Elk rune of Nordic cultures,»Blue Deer» represents prosperity, protection and fertility, embracing all sentient beings, brothers of Mother Earth and Father Sun. Both generous horned animals sacrifice themselves, giving their own flesh to feed us all.

Immersed in today’s contemporary world, in our endless race for wealth, consumption and competitiveness, Mextonia was a gift to remind the world of the Spirit of a collective soul in the form of the Blue Deer, which finally found a Fern Flower.

Mextonia’s Blue deer

Have we considered that giving a fragment of ourselves can truly enlighten the world and reality of others? We have. Therefore, we created Mextonia.

Not only as a festival, but as a collective piece of art, composed by 52 murals within the walls of Tallinn, Narva, Viljandi and Tartu. A reminder of what makes us feel proud of being Mexicans, or Estonians, and even better, what unites us beyond our nationalities: our cultural freedom. Our responsibility of making this place, or world a better place than how we found it.

In Mexico, searching through the harshest places but with wisdom, an open heart and soul, can lead you directly to the Blue Deer. In Estonia, this same path leads to the fern blossom. Just as the Elk rune of the Nordic cultures, the Blue Deer represents prosperity, protection and fertility, embracing all sentient beings, siblings of Mother Earth and Father Sun. Both generous horned animals sacrifice themselves, giving their own flesh to feed us all.

Immersed in today’s contemporary world, in our never ending race for wealth, consumption and competitiveness, Mextonia was a gift to remind the world about the Spirit a collective soul in the shape of a Blue Deer, in finally finding a Fern Blossom.[:]