Mexico Celebrates the Republic of Estonia on the 100th anniversary of its independence.

Por Ricardo Quezada.

vabadus/libertad en Ejército Republicano y Av. 20 de noviembre. Letras Atole Parra, Golondrinas (izq/der): Calladitos, Abril Pegueros, Tania QUezada, Sermob, Victor López, Jonky, Moste, Goal, Renata Martínez.

Freedom today is called Vabadus. . Renata Martinez, Los Calladitos, Tania Quezada, Jonky, Víctor López, Sermob, Moste, Goal y Abril Pegueros of the team that participated in Mextonia along with the artist of Lettering Atole Parra, paid tribute to the Baltic nation with this piece that we warmly congratulate all Estonians in their day…

Izq/der: Renata Mtz, Goal, Moste/Lettering Atole Letras.

Left/right: Renata Mtz, Goal, Moste/Lettering Atole Letras.
The end of World War I and the Russian Civil War gave the Estonian forces the opportunity to declare their independence from Soviet Russia and the nobility of Livonia and Curland who formed the Baltische Landeswehr in 1918. Although Estonia would become a Socialist Soviet Republic during World War II, February 24 marks the ignition of its life as an independent nation.

The piece is composed of nine swallows made in the particular style of each artist, superimposed on the phrase Vadabus Liberty that Atole wrote within a sky blue field. For Estonians, the swallow is the national bird, symbolizing freedom and the ability to know the world without forgetting your home.

The Mural can be seen in the Republican Army corner with November 20 in Queretaro and has been recognized in Estonia as part of the gift that Mexico made to the Baltic nation.

Los Calladitos/ Lettering Atole Letras.
Abril Pegueros/Lettering Atole Letras.
Tania Quezada/Lettering Atole Letras.
Sermob/Lettering Atole Letras.
Víctor López/Lettering Atole Letras.
El Asombroso Jonky/Lettering Atole Letras.
Renata Atole Letras.

PYou can read the article in the Estonian daily paper Postimees Aquí.

UJoining Cultures Through Color, Nueve Arte Urbano and  Mextonia Festival.